2013年1月14日 星期一

01/26/2013第四屆西岸賽斯大會West Coast Seth Conference in Los Angeles


Rick Stack



01月26日10:00am 在LAX Radisson Hotel




星期三(01/16/2012) 晚上19:00-21:00
靈魂永生 讀書會 第21章  
由 Charles 導讀

個人與群體事件的本質 網路讀書會:


美國太平洋時間 14:30 PM
紐約多倫多時間 17:30 PM
台北時間 01/17 07:30 AM

星期日(01/20/2013) 下午14:00-17:00
個人與群體事件的本質 讀書會 第九章-第876節
由 Charles 導讀

地點:525 N. AZUSA AVE,#205 LA PUENTE, CA 91744
(賽斯文化中心 洛杉磯講堂)


感謝 倍受尊敬的您!

祝福 快樂美麗 與愛同行




"Live every day to its fullest, and do not be a slave to your hopes for the future. If you do not learn to enjoy today, you will not enjoy the future no matter what it may bring" - Seth
The Early Sessions Vol 8  -

Upcoming Events

West Coast
Seth Conference
Jan 26, 2013
For full description, presenters, schedule and registration info go to the following link. http://sethconference.org   or http://sethcenter.com

The Online Seth Intensive Course
Starts Wed Feb 13, 2013
An in-home learning experience with instructor Rick Stack including live online interactive webinars. For info and reviews Seth Online Course

Seth Discounts
If you would like to come to the Seth conference or attend the Seth Intensive Online Course, but don't feel you can afford it right now, email Rick Stack to find about our financial aid discounts at sumari@sethcenter.com

Registration for all classes and conferences:
Register by phone - 516-869-9108 (10am -5pm Eastern Standard Time)
Register Online at www.sethcenter.com  
You can also use the regular mail option using our shopping cart at sethcenter.com.

Latest Released Seth Audio CD’s -Seth CD 40 and CD 41
See Individual Seth Audio CD's at

Seth News Update
from Rick Stack
Greetings and wishing you all a joyous and spontaneous 2013. 

We are gearing up for the West Coast Seth Conference in Los Angeles and working on the e-book edition of the first two volumes of The Early Sessions. They should be available on Kindle, Nook and I-pad shortly.   The 9 volumes of The Early Sessions consist of the first 510 sessions dictated by Seth. These 9 volumes, considered by Seth to be foundational in the study of his work, contain amazing gems of wisdom and  important teachings found no where else in the Seth material. For regular book editions click on the link.

Now Available as an e-book on Kindle, Nook and I-Pad
Featured Seth Book

Seth, Dreams and
Projections of Consciousness
by Jane Roberts 
An incredibly exciting book which provides instructions and information for those interested in working with Dreams, Lucid Dreams and Out of Body Experiences. This book was originally written as a sequel to the Seth Material, and is considered by many to be one of the most advanced and knowledgeable works in the area. It contains Seth's most comprehensive coverage of dreams and obe's and includes techniques for recalling dreams, becoming conscious in the dream state (Lucid Dreams), and inducing Out-of-Body Experiences.
For regular book edition click on the link.

About Us
The Seth Educational Institute

The Seth Educational Institute will endeavor to  provide  educational and enrichment activities for both long time Seth readers and new readers alike. Our effortswill be designed to  help people use their own resources to actualize their dreams, explore inner reality,  and awaken to a greater understanding of themselves and the
multi-dimensional universe. Further, we will endeavor to introduce the Seth material and its concepts to as many people as possible.

New Awareness Network Inc | sumari@sethcenter.com  | (516) 869-9108

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